Bearings, Bearing kits, Protectors & Seals

Trailer wheel bearings will not be there for you for life. They need replacing. Don’t forget that with constant use, they are exposed to mud, dirt, grime, water, and poor road conditions. They are also subjected to wear and tear due to repeated high pressure washing and severe off-road contamination.

The good thing is, ISP Glendale has an extensive range of replacement bearings, bearing kits and seals. We cater to all your needs for Trailer parts and Trailer repairs in Newcastle. You need not look far for a reliable company that can get you quick solutions to your trailer problems. Here at ISP Glendale, we have the right product at the right prices!

Experience our first-rate products

With over 40 years of being a distributor of world-class products, we have earned the admiration of the leading manufacturers. For gaining their trust, we are able to distribute their products at economical prices.

Please contact us to find the right product for your needs

ISP Glendale’s decades-old expertise allows you to have the best bearing, sealing experience ever. Our desire is to help you achieve the greatest riding experience with less friction and reduced power loss, improved service intervals, resistance to weather conditions, high pressure water wash and extending bearing life.

So if trailer parts and accessories are what you need right now, invest in high-quality products offered by ISP Glendale!


  • LM Chinese bearing kits for car, trailer &  marine
  • Bearing protectors
  • Bearing buddies


  • Bearing dust covers

Cargo Mate

  • Trailer bearing buddies
  • Dust covers


  • Standard & Boat trailer bearings

Grease Caps

  • Steel & Rubber

Oil Seals

  • Assorted types

Holden LM Bearing Kit

Holden / LMBearing Kit
Inner RaceLM 67048
Outer RaceLM 11949
Inner CupLM 67010
Outer CupLM 11910

Holden LM 39mm Round Axle


Holden LM 40mm Square Axle


Ford Slimline Bearing Kit

Prefix can be L – LM – SL

Ford / SlimlineBearing Kit
Inner RaceSL 68149
Outer RaceSL 12749
Inner CupL 68110
Outer CupL 12710

Ford Slimline 45mm Square Axle

The Ford axle has a step at the end adjacent the thread.